The Protective Mask Poster Pack

2 x poster pack

Health and Safety Executive (HSE)
TSO (The Stationery Office)
Price: £19.07
(£22.88 inc. VAT)

    20% off the price of the separate titles, this new pack delivers great value on these popular posters. Posters are an excellent way to communicate to workers easily, effectively and pictorially.

    Using Disposable Respirators (A3 Poster)

    'Using Disposable Respirators' is an A3 size durable colour poster which is suitable for both indoor and outdoor use and is 100% biodegradable.

    • lists a number of recommended pre-use checks;

    • 7 diagrams on how to put a filtering facemask on; and

    • how to check that the facemask fits.

    Is Your Mask Protecting You? INDG460 (A3 Poster)

    Employers have a duty to provide the right equipment to help employees work safely. This new format of INDG460 is presented as a graphic poster which can be displayed at sites where masks should be used. The poster can be used as a reminder to employees to wear masks and as a guide to wearing them effectively.

    Do your workers wear a face mask at work? Do they fit their mask properly? Do they always wear their mask when they should? Do they check it and look after it properly?

    The original, pocket card version of INDG460 is available in packs of 20.

    Extent N/A ISBN 9780717666904
    Size A3 Price £19.07
    (£22.88 inc. VAT)
    Format 2 x poster pack Published 08 May 2018
    Availability In Stock: 1 - 2 days
    Delivery Delivery options and charges

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