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Accident book BI 510 2018 Edition

Pack of 10

Health and Safety Executive (HSE)
TSO (The Stationery Office)
Price: £71.50
(£85.80 inc. VAT)

    The Accident Book is an essential document for employers and employees, who are required by law to record and report details of specified work-related injuries and incidents.

    It enables businesses to comply with legal requirements under social security and health and safety legislation, including Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR) requirements.

    The book contains 50 perforated accident record forms.

    • Legal requirement for all organisations to record accidents involving employees, contractors and visitors in the workplace;

    • Record all accident information in one place;

    • Simple, clear and easy to use for employers and employees;

    • Aids management of health and safety at work - preventing further injuries and controlling costs;

    • Records can be easily shared with health and safety representatives and inspectors if required;

    • Complies with current legislation, including RIDDOR, GDPR and HSE standards.

    Please note that the law changed on 6 April 2012. If a worker sustains an occupational injury resulting from an accident, their injury should be reported if they are incapacitated for more than seven days. There is no longer a requirement to report occupational injuries that result in more than three days of incapacitation, but you must still keep a record of such injuries.

    The Accident Book is designed to support users in being GDPR compliant. Both the 2012 and 2018 versions provide an approved format for recording accident information. This information must then be stored in compliance with GDPR principles. Please be aware that it is the responsibility of the user of the book and their company's data protection policies to ensure that GDPR is fully complied with.

    Extent Pack of 10 ISBN 9780717667048
    Size A4 Price £71.50
    (£85.80 inc. VAT)
    Format Paperback Published 22 Aug 2018
    Availability In Stock: 1 - 2 days Delivery Delivery options and charges

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