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HSE L80 Guidance to the Gas Safety Management Regulations 1996 (as amended)


Health and Safety Executive (HSE)
Price: £20.59

    This publication provides advice, information and guidance for gas transporters, duty holders and other interested parties which should be followed to ensure compliance with the Gas Safety (Management) Regulations 1996 (as amended) by the Gas Safety (Management) (Amendment) Regulations 2023.

    In particular, it provides guidance on what constitutes a gas network, what information should be included within Gas Safety (Management) Regulations safety cases, the co-operation requirements that are necessary for duty holders to operate a gas network, and processes for the management of gas escapes, including emergency contact provision for the general public.

    The Gas Safety (Management) Regulations 1996 (as amended) apply to the conveyance of natural gas (methane) through pipes to domestic and other consumers and cover four main areas:

    • the safe management of gas flow through a network, particularly those parts supplying domestic consumers, and a duty to minimise the risk of a gas supply emergency

    • arrangements for dealing with supply emergencies

    • arrangements for dealing with reported gas escapes and gas incidents

    • gas composition.

    This third edition has been revised to incorporate the amendments made by SI 2023/284 The Gas Safety (Management) (Amendment) Regulations 2023 and SI 2023/320 The Gas Safety (Management) (Amendment) (No. 2) Regulations 2023.

    Extent 76 pages ISBN 9780717667482
    Size A4 Price £20.59
    Format Paperback Published 05 Apr 2024
    Availability In Stock: 1 - 2 days Delivery Delivery options and charges