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Musculoskeletal disorders
Work-related musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) are one of the most commonly reported causes of occupational ill health in Great Britain.
They include disorders of the back, upper limbs and lower limbs, the former two being the most common. MSDs are prevalent in all sectors but agriculture, fisheries, logistics and transport, construction and health and social care have significantly higher than average rates. Both physical and psychosocial factors can contribute to work-related MSDs, and they can be aggravated by people's activities outside work and their general health and fitness.
Not sure what guidance you need?
Knowing what guidance to follow isn't always straightforward, so you can navigate the tabs below to help you choose what is best for your organisation.
Entry level
- Manual handling at work: A brief guide INDG143. Available in print and online.
- Making the best use of lifting and handling aids INDG398. Available online.
Risk assessment level
- Manual handling assessment charts (the MAC tool) INDG383. Available in print and online.
- Risk assessment of pushing and pulling (RAPP) tool INDG478. Available in print and online.
- MSD Digital online assessment tool. Online tool designed to simplify the process of completing assessments.
Legal guidance/reference level
- Manual handling. Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992. Guidance on Regulations L23. Available in print and online.
NEBOSH HSE Certificate in Manual Handling Risk Assessment. A one-day qualification, based on HSE's best practice guidance and tools. This course will equip you with the knowledge to help recognise, assess and reduce manual handling risks in your organisation.
Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSD) Assessment. This course will equip you with the knowledge and tools to recognise, assess and reduce musculoskeletal disorders risks (manual handling and upper limb disorders) in your organisation. The training covers the suite of MSD risk assessment approaches including:
- The Manual Handling Assessment Charts (MAC tool) for lifting, carrying and team handling tasks.
- The Risk Assessment for Pushing and Pulling (RAPP tool) for pushing/pulling tasks.
- The Assessment of Repetitive Tasks (ART tool) for upper limb intensive activities such as packaging, manufacturing, food preparations, etc.
These tools will help you understand and prioritise levels of risk of known ergonomics risks factors associated with manual tasks. Visit solutions.hse.gov.uk for more information.
Entry level
- Managing upper limb disorders in the workplace: A brief guide INDG171. Available online.
Risk assessment level
- Assessment of repetitive tasks of the upper limbs (the ART tool) INDG438. Available in print and online.
- MSD Digital online assessment tool. Online tool designed to simplify the process of completing assessments.
Legal guidance/reference level
Upper limb disorders in the workplace HSG60. Available in print and online.
Entry level
- Working with display screen equipment (DSE): A brief guide INDG36. Available in print and online.
- Working with Display screen equipment (DSE) at home.
- NEW - Good posture when using display screen equipment.
Risk assessment level
- Display screen equipment (DSE) workstation checklist CK1. Available in print and online.
Legal guidance/reference level
Work with display screen equipment. Health and Safety (DSE) Regulations 1992. Guidance on Regulations as amended by the Health and Safety (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 2002 L26. Available in print and online.
Display Screen Equipment (DSE) Workstation Checklist (pack of 5)

Also available from the HSE:
Manual Handling
INDG269 Managing musculoskeletal disorders in checkout work: A brief guide (PDF)
INDG171 Managing upper limb disorders in the workplace: A brief guide PDF (PDF)
INDG439 Reducing manual handling risks in carpet retail (PDF)
INDG398 Making the best use of lifting and handling aids (PDF)
Online tutorial on how to use the Manual handling assessment chart (MAC) tool
HSG196 Moving food and drinks: Manual handling solutions for the food and drinks industries (PDF)
Picking up the pieces: Prevention of musculoskeletal disorders in the ceramics industry (PDF)
General Guidance
Management of Health and Safety at Work
Workplace Health, Safety and Welfare