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Work related stress - Stress risk assessment
Work-related stress, depression or anxiety is defined as a harmful reaction people have to undue pressures and demands placed on them at work. The estimates from the Labour Force Survey (LFS) show: The total number of cases of work-related stress, depression, or anxiety in 2020/21 was 822,000, a prevalence rate of 2,480 per 100,000 workers.
Download our work-related stress guidance catalogue (pdf)
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stress posters (infographic version)
Healthy deal
playing cards: (pack of cards)
stress posters (photographic version)
stress posters (illustration version)
Workplace Stress Indicator Tool
Industry experts at HSE have developed and produced an online Stress Indicator Tool (SIT) that measures the attitudes and perceptions of employees towards work-related stress. SIT provides anonymous feedback and is a quick and easy way to determine the extent to which work-related stress is a problem within an organisation.