Legionnaires' disease

Technical guidance, HSG274 (second edition)

HSE Health and Safety Executive
Price: £22.88

This guidance is for duty holders, including employers, those in control of premises and those with health and safety responsibilities for others. It will help them comply with their legal duties to control the risk from exposure to legionella.

The guidance gives practical advice on:

  • the legal requirements of the Health and Safety at Work etc Act and the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations concerning the risk from exposure to legionella

  • guidance on compliance with the relevant parts of the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations

The guidance is in three parts. Part 1 has been updated to provide improved guidance on a number of areas when managing the legionella risk presented by evaporative cooling systems. These changes include:

  • further information on DPD No 1 testing methodology

  • the effect that cooling water pH has on the efficacy of halogen-based biocides such as chlorine and bromine

Many organisations rely on this test to ensure correct dosing of their systems. The pH correction of free-halogen test results is a vital part in ensuring you have sufficient biocide in your system to prevent the growth of legionella. Check your most recent results and ensure they are pH corrected.

Please note: that the second edition has been reviewed and updated in Part 1 only - The control of legionella bacteria in evaporative cooling systems.

Extent 126 pages ISBN 9780717667536
Size A4 Price £22.88
Format Paperback Published 28 Mar 2024
Availability In Stock: 1 - 2 days Delivery Delivery options and charges